The District and County Officer's Association, or DCOA, of the North Carolina Republican Party was originally formed in the early 1990s by Robert Rector, who, at that time, was the County Chairman of the Granville County Republican Party. He later moved to Franklin County, where he became the County Republican Chairman there.
The DCOA is formerly known as the NCGOP County Chairman's Association, or CCA, as well as the NC District & County Chairman's Association, or NCDCCA. In forming the organization, Mr. Rector felt that Republican County Chairmen, and newly elected Chairmen in particular, needed access to educational and training materials which would guide them in their newfound responsibilities as political officials within the North Carolina Republican Party. Beginning early in the digital age, much of the original training provided to the County Chairmen by the CCA was classroom and seminar based, using written materials and hands-on learning experiences from other Republican officials within North Carolina.
Over time, with the continued evolution of digital technology, the nature of the training has changed, and much of it is now virtual-based, including that which is available on demand, via the Internet, and available by digital platforms such as Zoom, whereby a trainer in one county in Eastern North Carolina can train new county Chairmen throughout the state, by merely accessing a Zoom account, or similar platform.